SMS Privacy
Anderson County will not share your information to any third parties for unofficial purposes except as required by law or as necessary to conduct official business.
SMS Terms and Conditions
Any information given by a person to Anderson County will be used for any and all official county business.
Anderson County includes all offices within the local government Anderson County, Texas including, but not limited to the District Attorney's Office, the Sheriff's Office, the District & County Clerk's Office, All JP's Constables and Commissioners, The Auditors & Treasurer's Offices, the IT Department, Tax Office.
We use SMS messages only at the request of individuals who request communications via SMS OR by law enforcement for investigative purposes.
We only use SMS messages as frequently as is necessary.
You might incur fees through your SMS carrier by using SMS or receiving messages from us.
If you wish to be removed from communication over SMS, please reply STOP and we will not send any more messages to you via SMS except, again, as needed for legal reasons.
We make no guarantee that SMS messages will be delivered or received. Please verify receipt by phone or with a reply.