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County Commissioners

  • County Commissioner Precinct 1
    Greg Chapin

    Greg Chapin

    It is my pleasure to be your County Commissioner and to serve you on our County Courts. While working closely with the Palestine Economical Development Corp. I will be looking for better ways to serve you, by keeping up with the changes of today's times so that the opportunities of tomorrow will always be the best for the citizens of our County. More job opportunities will create stronger tax base that will strengthen Anderson County. The road and bridge passings in my precinct are my top priority. I would also like to keep my precinct clean and litter free. I would like to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or concerns that you might have. I look forward to serving you as a County Commissioner.

  • County Commissioner Precinct 2
    Rashad Mims

    Rashad Mims

    As the Anderson County precinct 2 commissioner, I am sure that I am joined by my fellow commissioners in saying we are always interested in suggestions. We look forward to hearing about ways that we can improve the safety and efficiency of our county roads and bridges.  I will look forward to your comments or suggestions, and I hope to hear from soon.

  • County Commissioner Precinct 3
    John Wilbanks


    It is my pleasure to serve on Anderson County Commissioner's Court as commissioner of precinct 3.  I too have to say we are continually looking for better ways to serve the public. With the recent progress in technology, new tools are available to improve the ways that we approach old problems, but our solutions are not the only good ideas. Please let us know if you have any suggestions about how we can improve the services that we provide to Anderson County. I would like to hear from any of my constituents about how we might better serve the interest of Anderson County. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions that could help us improve the safety and efficiency of our County road system. I hope to hear from soon, and I hope that you enjoy our web site and find it to be informative and helpful.

  • County Commissioner Precinct 4
    Joey HillJoey Hill

    As the newest member of the Anderson County Commissioner’s court, it is my desire to serve the citizens of Anderson County to the best of my ability.  Please join me as I seek out ways to improve safety and efficiency of our county roads and bridges throughout Anderson County.  I look forward to your suggestions and comments.

constables precincts

Administrative Assistant:

Kathy Starkey
703 N. Mallard Street Ste. 108
Palestine, Texas 75801
Office (903) 723-7820 
Fax     (903) 723-7821
Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8am-5pm
                      Fri             8am-12pm

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