Last Day To Register
April 1, 2021
by 5:00pm
Election Day
May 1, 2021
Voter registration applications are used for new applicants, name changes, address changes or any other change to reflect updated information to a voter record.
You may obtain an application as follows:
- You may request an application from this office by phone (903 723-7438)
- You may request an application vie email (
- You may stop by the office and register in person (703 N Mallard, Suite 116)
- You may download the application, print it, sign it and mail or deliver application to “The Elections Office”
Questions you may have.
1. Where do I send my voter registration application?
Anderson County Elections Office
703 N Mallard, Suite 116
Palestine, TX 75801
2. Can I transfer my registration from my old County instead of completing another application?
No, you must complete a new application for Anderson County
3. Can I register one day before Election day and still vote?
No, you must register 30 days prior to any State, Federal, County, or Local Election.
4. I registered in 1995 and never moved from Anderson County. I have never voted and have moved several times within the County. I have been deleted from the voter registration rolls. Was I cancelled because I never voted. I should not have to register twice.
You were cancelled because of not updating your address. Voter Certificates are mailedEvery two years. If your certificate is returned, you are placed on the suspense list and a confirmation letter is mailed to the last known address requesting a new address. If you do not respond within the allowed time, your registration is cancelled from the time you were added to the suspense list following the second general election. YOU MUST COMPLETE A NEW APPLICATION.