Military and Overseas Voters
U.S. citizens residing outside the United States along with members of the Uniformed Services and their family members are eligible to use the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) form to request a by-mail ballot. The FPCA also serves as an application for temporary voter registration for eligible citizens not currently registered to vote. Please review the following requirements and information for requesting a ballot via the FPCA form.
Texas Residency
Having a permanent residence address in Anderson County is a prerequisite to requesting ballots from Anderson County. Residence is defined in Section 1.015 of the Texas Election Code as the voter’s permanent home to which he or she intends to return after any temporary absence. This definition implies that you must have lived at the location at one time and intend to return, so generally you cannot list a location where you have never been physically present.
U.S. citizens whose most recent domicile was in Anderson County, but whose intent to return is uncertain may vote a federal ballot only. Voters in this category must indicate in the “Remarks” area of the FPCA that they are applying for a federal ballot only.
How to obtain an FPCA form
Postage-paid FPCA forms are available from U.S. embassies, consulates, and from the voting assistance officer at each military installation. An online version of the FPCA form is available from the website of the Federal Voting Assistance Program. Click here to view and print the online FPCA form
Completing the FPCA
- The last 4 digits of your Social Security number OR your Texas driver’s license number is required for voter registration in Texas.
- You must provide your political party preference in Item 6 of the FPCA form if you wish to vote in Primary elections. Party preference is not required if you are requesting by-mail ballots only for general elections.
- It is strongly recommended that FPCA applicants provide an e-mail address and fax number (if available) in the “Remarks” section of the FPCA so that we can quickly contact you if your application is missing required information.
Submitting the completed FPCA form
A completed FPCA form must be submitted to the Elections Administration Department by mail, common contract carrier, or by fax. If submitting the FPCA by fax, please also send the original form to us by mail. Please note that unlike the cardstock version of the FPCA, users of the online FPCA must place the printed form in an envelope and affix postage. At present there are no provisions to allow for submission of the FPCA through the Internet. Please return your FPCA to:
703 N Mallard- Suite 116 Palestine TX 75801 ( 903 723-1223)
The Federal Voting Assistance Program also provides assistance in faxing FPCA forms from locations outside the United States. See this website for more information: